Friday, April 27, 2012

Aloha everyone! I'm Stephanie Coats a.k.a LADYCOATS. I have always been into fitness and living a healthy lifestyle and as of November 2011, it has become a lifestyle for me. I felt I needed direction in the gym and I searched online and came across It is a 12 week fitness challenge. I did it, stuck with it and made some changes to my diet and the way I work out. Thanks to genetics, I have always been rather petite 5'6 112-118lbs fluctuation, but I wanted muscle and shape. I gained 8 lbs. of solid muscle and eat better than ever. Anyways, thats my intro... I dig working out so much but posting it on Facebook gets old b/c i don't want to be "that annoying chick"... cuz yes, there are haters out there... So I'm trying to express my ongoing journey via viral journal... so, with that... lets see how it goes... Cheers

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