Sunday, April 29, 2012

This weeks goal sets and personal intention-
Luckily, I leave for the beautiful Island of Hawaii with my hubby, so this week is short..However, I am not planning on slacking off on my regiment by any means. Last week I lifted really heavy and incorporated hot yoga 3x a week, so i pushed my body pretty hard. These next 4 days (today, monday, tuesday, and wednesday) I plan to take it a little bit easier and bring my tone out. Today, I plan on focusing on strictly cardio and some light abs. Monday is cardio, hot yoga and high rep low weight for upper body (no splits this week cuz its short), Tuesday is cardio and light legs and wednesday is light cardio...then ALOHA. Typically i would get a visitor pass at the local gym in Kona, but i've decided to give my body rest and not feel guilty about it.
My personal intention is to be patient with myself and others. Hope everyone has a great week...

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