Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jeremiah X. Glasenapp. Idaho's most decorated and prestige competition and personal training coach!

I had a great interview with Treasure Valley's most prestige competition and personal training coach Jeremiah X. Glasenapp. He hosted me at his personal training gym and showed me around. What a great guy. Class Act. I recorded the interview so it will be up shortly!

Flattered. xxoo

Bringin sexy "back". All about your back!

As a woman, it is super important that we have strength in our back.. not only cuz we have boobies to carry (heehee), but women are affected more than men by osteoporosis. After time our bones are more susceptible to deterioration and become frail which creates a curvature in the spine. It is important to focus one of our gym days on our muscle groups in our backs, however, I personally feel that a woman's back should remain "feminine". Anyways, here are a few great exercises for you all to do. Check out the links below too for even more detailed info! Happy training.

Bent Over Rows

Bent over rows are done with a barbell and they target the lats and upper back. To perform these, stand behind a weighted barbell in a wide stance. Bend your knees and back slightly and grab the bar in a shoulder-width grip. Maintain the slight bend in your back and legs and pull the bar up to your stomach. Let it back down until your arms are completely straight and repeat. These can also be performed with dumbbells.


Chin-ups and pull-ups are the same exercise. The only difference is, with pull-ups your palms face away from you and with chin-ups your palms face towards you. To do these, grab a pull-up bar in a wide grip. Pull your chest up to the bar, then lower yourself back down. If these are too difficult, bend your knees and place your toes on a chair to take off some resistance. You can also have a partner hold out her arm for you to apply pressure into. These work the upper lats and rhomboids which are located in between the shoulder blades.

Good Morning

"Good mornings" are lower back exercises that utilize a barbell. To do these, place the barbell across your upper back area and hold it with a wide grip. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart and, with your back straight, bend at the waist until your upper body is about parallel to the floor, then come back up.


Back extensions are another lower back exercise and these can be done with a stability ball. Lie across the ball so the center is at about waist level. Place your feet against a wall for leverage and your hands on the sides of your head. Bend down towards the floor, then lift yourself back up by contracting your lower back muscles. has some great UTD info on all things fitness. Here are a few links for you. They have demo videos to show you how to do it correctly.

Here it is! The Ashley Horner Interview!


 Ashley Horner is a force to be reckoned with in the fitness industry. Recently signed as a team member, Ashley is a fierce athlete, life coach, personal trainer, wife and mom.  Ashley is highly involved with military spouses whose partners have been deployed and encourages healthy lifestyles and family values.
  I admire Ashley not only for obvious reasons such as physique, personality and integrity, but I highly respect the fact that she and her husband train together and set the example for couples everywhere.  I ask Ashley some questions in this interview that I hope couples everywhere can draw inspiration and motivation from to improve their relationship through fitness, diet and healthy lifestyle choices.

 Ashley, thanks for taking time out of your hectic schedule to answer some questions from little ‘ol me. I could just ask you the no brainer monotonous questions like, “How did you get started”, or “what is a typical workout routine”, but im not. There are soooo many couples out there that want to get fit but maybe have some hurdles to overcome such as intimidation, lack of knowledge, insecurities or maybe even jelousy. My intention with this interview is to gain some insight from you and your experiences working out with your husband that maybe people can identify  

         *When you and Blaine met, were you both into fitness or was it influenced by one of you?

       I actually broke my number one rule with relationships and that was to never date            anyone that I would meet in the gym. When I saw Blaine I was in the middle of training a client and literally my mouth hit the floor.  My client at the time even said to me, “Ashley, you can close your mouth now.”  I would look for him to come into the gym every day and I would just stare at him working out. We spent a lot of the getting to know you stages, working out together or on long runs. Its was great, we both shared the same passion for fitness and the healthy lifestyle.
            *How would you encourage a client of yours to help their significant other make a lifestyle change that is stubborn towards the idea of a cleaner diet or working out? 

          Have them get in the kitchen with you and make it fun, Start with small changes and maybe compromise by agreeing to him/her trying your healthier meals for one week and I’ll try something out that you like, whatever your significant other likes to do with his/her free time. No one ever just wakes up one day and love broccoli and chicken breast, you love it because of the way it makes you feel and the way your body runs on good clean meals.  Its more about being positive about all the changes your making.
            *When you are training with your husband at the gym, is there ever any feelings of competitiveness or unnecessary pressure? If so, how do you diffuse it?  

           Only when we are Cross fitting together, he will yell at me to go harder, its always good pressure. When we are in the gym lifting together we are just workout partners, we are always focused on each other, spotting each other & making sure each of us is putting out our maximum effort.
            *For a new couple making the commitment together to make a healthier lifestyle change, (diet, fitness) what is your best advice to helping them keep each other accountable?
          Blaine and I cook our meals together for the day/week, we know each other should be eating clean all week long and we look forward to our one cheat meal together as well.  The best advice I can give a new couple is to do things together, you have to remember that you guys are a team. Always stay positive. I know a lot of couples that are not able to workout together because they feel like the other one is too bossy or not on their ‘level’ your job as a couple is to help each other, don’t get your feelings hurt, Blaine and I will take turns leading each workout so the other knows whos leading, same thing in the kitchen and cooking meals, there are days that Blaine likes to be in control of all the meals for the day and I let him. Each individual as to feel like they are able to give to some part of the workout or diet so they stay involved.

            *During competition mode, it’s very common to have mood swings, stress and exhaustion . How would you say you and your hubby balance this and keep the home peaceful? 

          Yes it can be very stressful, if im in competition mode and he is not, I make it a point to not let things stress me out, he knows that he cant eat certain things in front of me (like peanut butter) or I freak out.  You just have to know boundaries. He’s really good about calming me by ‘making fun’ or making ‘light’ of the situation when I start to freak out or get attitude.  Then it just makes me laugh when I realize how ridiculous Im acting.
            *Do you enjoy cooking together or are you more of the food pioneer? What is your suggestion to keep food prep fun together? 

          We do like cooking together, however, Im usually the one that’s cooking up most of our food. Blaine is usually cleaning up after me because Im a huge mess.  He does a lot of the grilling outside, or he’ll find a recipe that he wants to make for me and he’ll cook it up in the kitchen.
            *How do you recommend one deals with a spouse or partner having jealousy issues in the fitness industry?   

          This is a hard one. I think this is a big issue in the industry. Honestly for our personal relationship Blaine is amazing as far as not being jealous. Im sure with some guys he’d like to pound their face in from some of the comments he reads in the media, I make sure its known to everyone how much I love Blaine. Everyone seems to respect our relationship. I start my day with Blaine and I end my day with Blaine. That’s all that matters. He always supports me in everything I go after.                  
            *I think working out together is a bonding experience. Does your heart still flutter when you see your honey in “beast mode” working out? If so, explain that feeling.  

          Oh does it ever, I see him in beast mode and I get so turned on, on days that we are not working out together but we are in the gym together I will just stop and stare at him and wonder how I got so lucky! 
            *I think your involvement with the partners of the deployed is so positive! Do you have a success story you can share about an inspiring client you won’t forget?

          Well thank you, I can relate to them, I understand the loneliness they go through and I know emotionally how strong they must be. I will always remember one particular client when I called her for the very first time, she answered the phone in tears. I asked her is she was okay and she told me the news that her husband got extended on deployment for several more months anticipated,  I was fortunate enough to work with her and train with her about 2-3 times a week. There were times that she would get upset or disappointed, just like all of us who are left at home while our loved ones leave,  but she stayed strong and Her husband had no idea she was training.  He was so surprised and shocked the day he came home. I was so proud of her.

      Thanks again Ashley. Keep on being awesome and inspiring. You ARE being the change in this world that we need. Inspiring family values, positive life choices and remaining a true ambassador to the sport!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

For quick healthy, satisfying grab and go snacks. ALL HEALTHY!

Here are a few websites for recipes that you can pre pack and take for healthy snacks/grab and go. These are just a few of my favs!
(anything from her site)

The "BIG O"... or "T" Sex and the Weight Room...

Training and Sex.

 So, we all know we have naturally occurring hormones called testosterone. Testosterone  is an androgen secreted mostly from male and female reproductive organs and small amounts are produced in the adrenal glands of both sexes. Testosterone affects increased lean muscle mass,  reduced body fat, libido and it helps slow the aging process. Normals "T" levels in men are between 300-1200 ng/d (nano grams/deciliter) and normal levels for women are 20-100 ng/d. A simple blood test can determine what levels you are at. For more severe cases of low testosterone, one can seek out a professional and be put on HRT, or hormonal replacement therapy... But, to increase these levels naturally, another option is getting your cute buns into the gym!
 Naturally, levels of testosterone are higher in men. When a mans "T"levels begin to drop as he ages, or due to health related factors, libido will decrease. Weight lifting helps naturally raise "T" levels. When men train and lift weights, levels of testosterone shoot up within an hour, (assuming, of course that this workout regiment is appropriate for you). However, overtraining is the biggest KILLER of testosterone. Certain exercises for men will affect your sex drive such as FULL SQUATS. You are engaging so many muscle fibers that a huge testosterone boost is unavoidable. Aside from squats, all other compound, multi joint and short spurt movements are a mans biggest allies in the gym in 45-60 minute sessions. These lifts include (take notes), Bench press, bent over rows, stiff-legged deadliest, lunges, shoulder press, back squats and pull ups.
  So ladies, there are a couple reasons why exercise can help rev you up too. For women, heightened "friskiness" occurs when testosterone binds with estrogen receptors. For women to get the testosterone surge like men,you must train hard using compound exercises (reps of 8-12 with rest periods of 30-180 seconds). Women increase they "T" levels through more grueling workout, but DO NOT FEAR! YOU WILL NOT BULK UP LIKE A MAN! I PROMISE.  Ever heard of a "coregasm"? It is all over the forums and news... It is possible for a woman to experience this while working out (but only a small amount really do). However, there are a few stand out exercises that increase a woman's blood flow and sensitivity... This being spin classes, yoga, ALL abdomen exercises (esp. roman chair and bicycles) and anything legs! In doing ab and yoga workouts, you are engaging core and pelvic muscles flushing endorphins thru the bod. Also, according to a "study" many women build tension in the legs before the "BIG O", so when we exercise, we release dopamine and epinephrine, which combined with tension in the lower extremities causes stimulation...
 Interestingly enough, extreme endurance training such as prolonged aerobics can reduce testosterone especially in men. This goes to show why one should not combine heavy training and extended cardio in the same workout. Rest days and sleep are a major factor in recovery as well.

   SO, with that, I expect to see all the men doing ass to ankle squats and women killing their core exercises! hahahah

Peace, Love and Lifting.  

On DECK... athlete Ashley Horner. Get excited!

The Insanely AWESOME and inspiring athlete Ashley Horner interview is on deck... I interview Ashley on tips and encouragement on how couples can work out together and keep each other motivated. Coming Soon!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Superfood: Açaí

Superfood: Açaí
The Acai berry. pronounced (ahh-sigh-ee).
So, being that I have been to Brazil 3 times now... I always look forward to getting a huge bowl of this stuff at the Bibi Sucos or some other great juice bar! This berry seems to be the #1 trending health food/supplement. 
Research on the acai berry has focused on its possible antioxidant activity. Theoretically, that activity may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer. Some studies show that acai fruit pulp has a very high antioxidant capacity with even more antioxidant content than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, or blueberry. 

Açaí pulp contains:
  • A remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.
  • A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
  • An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction and regeneration. 
I have attempted to buy the packets SAMBAZON (, and I am still perfecting my own blend. Be careful to not buy packets that have been watered down or have lots of additives. Acai pulp is thicker than water and without being mixed with a natural sweetener tastes bad! Anyways, this is a good treat to add to your diet! Especially on hot summer days!
The only place that I have found an acai bowl similar to that in Brazil is in Kona, Hawaii at Basik Acai! (

( A few team members from Alliance Jiu Jitsu Boise in Rio de Janeiro enjoying Acai bowls!)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Diet and Acne.. The Lowdown!


I believe adult acne is caused by 3 main things... #1 genetics/hormones, #2 sugar, #3 dairy/red meat

So, I speak of experience! I went through a period of like a good solid year where my face was never clear.. As soon as one went down, BAM 2 more would pop up...Mostly cheeks and chin for me. It's the worst thing ever and it makes you feel crummy. So, upon reading The China Study and Feed Your Face, I discovered some helpful insight that made me change the way I ate in order to help my face clear up.
Hopefully you can identity with one or all of these brief explanations.
 It is definitely important that you keep your face clean! I have used all the expensive crap and you know what works the best, yeah, none other than Cetaphyl found at Walgreens! Best face wash ever. I wash my face morning and night and I do exfoliate with a fine grain scrub 2-3x a week. Its important to slough off the dead skin cells on the surface that build up and clog those pores! Also, DO NOT PICK or squeeze your pimples! Seriously, #1 you spread the bacteria underneath the skin surface, so that one turns into three! Also #2 is by picking you will scar your face and believe me, its a real bitch trying to get those suckers to fade!
  Ok, so anyways I have notes upon notes of acne info, howevs, to keep this short I will run through the main ones...

Did you know that 50% of Americans over the age of 25 suffer from adult acne? It is more common in women, affecting 26% of women in their 40's! DANG DUDE. Women with acne tend to have higher insulin levels, elevated androgen levels (male hormones) and higher rates of insulin resistance. Food with refined sugars and simple carbs get broken down fast into your bloodstream as sugar. This causes blood sugar to spike. Elevated blood sugar stimulates the body to pump out insulin, which then triggers a cascade of hormonal effects, including androgen (acne- causing male hormone). AVOID high gylcemic foods such as refined grains, white breads, pastries, candies, sodas, white rice...

on to my favorite one... #2 MILK (and beef)
 Milk is full of cow hormones. Cow's milk (even organic) contains it's ow hormones (including androgens) and growth factors (including bovine... antibiotics and added growth hormones) both of which survive pasteurization and homogenization. That means every time you drink milk or eat dairy products, the cow hormones are absorbed by YOUR body and remain active in the bloodstream, so they can affect your skin (and acne) in much the same way as human hormones. Milk can affect human hormone production! Eve though mil is low on the glycemic index, dairy has been shown to elevate insulin production to the same extent as white bread (see above)!!! Whey proteins have androgen like effects. Whey protein can be isolated from the whey of cows milk and added to foods (cereals, protein bars) to up their protein content. Whey is the liquid that remains after milk has been curdled and strained, and it's a by product of cheese production.  So, how can you help make the shift in your diet? Heres how:
* Skip out on full-fat milk and dairy. This includes instant breakfast shakes, sherbet, yogurt and cheese, and YES ICE CREAMS! double whammy. If you cannot make that commitment , then at the very least choose nonfat, skim and organics which carry fewer cow hormones and bovines (though they will still increase androgens in your body messing with your acne).
* Beware of "hidden" dairy products such as processed lunch meats, granola bars (yes i know...thats why i make my own). Stay away from whey and casein. Casein is a whole 'nother war!OMG read the China Study for that one..ick

Anyways guys, there is sososo much info. I stopped eating red meat in November 2011 and haven't had a bite since and its great. I will still eat some dairy here and there but no nearly what I used to... Sugar still find its way into my diet as a treat every now and then..but I can tell you that by eliminating dairy, red meat and drinking lots more water, my skin has turned around!

Good Luck peeps, i'd like to hear any success stories you have!

Not a breakfast person.. This is why you should be!


We've all heard the old saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but do you know why? Here are a couple facts and science behind this theory which proves that your parents and grandparents were right after all!
Now obviously, food is fuel and energy for our bodies and without it we spend the day stumbling around in a fog and fighting off a headache and a bad attitude. Breakfast is literally just that, breaking the fast that your body is in from the night before.
The consumption of an early morning snack increases the metabolic rate (how fast you burn calories) and kick starts your body into gear, telling it what to expect the rest of the day. If breakfast isn't had, your body doesn't process your next meal as quickly and tries to hold onto those nutrients. Since it didn't get any morning fuel, it tries to hold onto the afternoon meal as long as possible — instead of burning it right away.
Studies have shown that weight loss can be more difficult and weight gain more prevalent in folks who opt out on the morning meal. Those who skip breakfast have a tendency to consume more food than usual the next chance they get to grab a bite to eat and also have a higher tendency to snack on high-calorie foods to keep hunger at bay until then.
EAT UP! and no coffee isn't a meal!
I typically eat 4 egg whites with one whole yolk
a slice of ezekiel bread or some kind of oat loaf i bake ( see my cinnamon and coconut coffee cake recipe on a previous post)
and some fruit or an avocado!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The "Queens of the UFC". The wives of Mike "quicksand" Pyle and Ian "uncle creepy" McCall let you in behind the scenes.

For those who are unaware of what lies beneath the bright lights, and glitz of the UFC, these two women are holding down the fort while their famous husbands are at camp… Fight camp that is.  While they support the careers of their husbands in the widest growing sport in the world, MMA, these two gals are truly two of the strongest women behind the cage.

Thanks to Mrs. Katerina Pyle (wife of Mike “quicksand” Pyle) and Mrs. Shay McCall (wife of Ian “uncle creepy” McCall) for opening their doors to the reality of the MMA lifestyle for a brief Q&A.

So, with the big event coming up in Florida around the corner, in one word how would you describe the household?
KAT: Erupting volcano. I know it's 2 words but I'm foreign so I have an excuse!
SHAY: Focused

With all the physical training that goes into your husbands fight camp, you must “fuel the beast”. Do you prepare all the food and what all is allowed and restricted in the diet leading up to the
KAT: Yes I prepare all the food. Specific meal for each day. It's hard to make the same thing every week and keep it different, if that make sense. I constantly look up new ways of making chicken and fish so that he doesn't get bored with his food. He can have some candy here and there up until 2-3 weeks before the fight but I try not to have any of that around so he doesn't get tempted to eat it but when Mr. Coats is in town I have to hide the candy from Mike in Mitch's room cause Mr.Coats has a sweet tooth!

SHAY: No, Ian is very educated when it comes to his diet, he has been doing this for a very long time if anything he's teaching me.

How do YOU deal with all the testosterone and different personality types in this industry?
KAT: The only Testosterone and Personality I care to deal with is Mike's and that's ALL I can handle. All the other stuff is just noise. I noticed that when he gets into camp I up the frequency of my own work outs hahah that's how I blow off steam and not "accidentally" kill him.

SHAY: I've been around it my whole life with my father being a hockey player so I’m used to being around professional athletes, i don't really notice any difference.

It is well known that mood swings are a major part of training. How do you keep the peace and love in your home during these grueling days?
KAT: I gotta admit its not easy by any means, especially for me cause I'm a little mouthy myself so I do have to bite my tongue a lot during these times. In all honesty You gotta be a strong woman to be married to a fighter. But they are like kids you give them an inch and they will take a foot so I do draw a line when he gets a little too far with it  but as long as his belly is full he is happy.

SHAY: Strength and conditioning coach Corey Beasley at Innovative Results helps out by letting Ian stay at his house 3 weeks prior so he stays focused and well rested. But the brief time i do spend time with him I’ve learned to deal with the mood swings and let everything go because I’ve come to a point where i know it can be mentally tough for him so i just try to support him as much as possible.

When you travel with the fight camp to these events, is it all glitz and glamour like everyone would think? What is the best and worst part about attending the UFC events?
KAT: Hahahaha that's funny! No Glitz and glamour here. There is a bunch of sweaty, stinky dudes around you at all times. Not to mention the main Cranky guy that’s cutting weight! All I try to do is stay out of the way and try to be useful which, they don't have much use for ME. I think I loose a couple of pounds on these trips too cause I try not to eat around him when he is cutting weight cause I know he is hungry and I feel guilty eating haha
The best part is that I'm there with Mike and giving him the best support I can. It matters to him that I'm there so its important for me to be there for him, physically be there with him!
The worst part of course is the anticipation and the anxiety. I have to carry myself strong and be strong for him. And it's hard to do but Practice makes perfect  

SHAY: I don't travel with him to the fights, its easier for him to focus that way, i attend with good friends & family, Greg his dad and Brandon his friend usually are who i spend time with while Ian is focusing and preparing for the fight with his teammates and coach's from team Oyama.. those are his 2 biggest supporters.

There are many egos in this industry, both men and women. How do you “handle” groupies or haters?
KAT: Don't have any groupies yet to handle but haters will always hate. Every one has their own fans and mike has his too. Plus any publicity is good publicity, negative or positive, as long as they are talking about him I'm happy

SHAY: In the past I didn’t handle the situations very well, but I’ve come a long way and now I am very supportive of the fans *or groupies* because I consider them fans as well, as far as haters I don’t think twice about them.

At what moment have you felt the most proud of your husband and why?
KAT: The most proud I felt of my husband is when he proposed to me because that was the best decision of his life

SHAY: There isn’t really 1 moment, the last 3 years have been a roller coaster of up and downs and the way its all come together continues to make me so proud, so there isn’t 1 particular moment because its all connected to a point where he is so focused and determined on his goal and it makes me so proud to see that every time.

As a couple how do you celebrate victories or massage losses? (keep it clean J)
KAT: The celebration begins right after the win! All his boys are there so it's just hanging out and enjoying the win. Sometimes there is a fight after party so we go to that. I used to work in a night club so I threw him a surprise party there before  it's a very fun time for months after the fight.
A loss is very hard to deal with, it kind of drags on for months and I just try to be positive and supportive but unfortunately you are as good as your last fight so it doesn't matter how well he did the fight before, all he thinks about is this last one  I just try to be encouraging and take it one day at a time.

SHAY: For victories after his fights we obviously acknowledge the fans and he autographs and takes pictures with them, than we go home and have an after party with friends and family in Laguna Beach at the white house and everyone celebrates together.
 As far as losses Ian doesn't lose but i know he would still celebrate his hard work with friends and family @ the white house when we got home, and than immediately get back in the gym and critique what he felt he could have done better in the fight.

Where do you see yourselves with this industry in 5 years?
KAT: In 5 years or LESS I see myself with a UFC welter weight champion!

SHAY: I see myself in this industry in 5 years, maybe compete a few times with the help of Ian and Carla Esparza @ team Oyama. If I don’t end up doing that ill continue to support my husband as flyweight champion.

In one sentence, tell me what it takes to be married to a famous
UFC fighter?
KAT: it takes a tough and confident woman to be married to a famous UFC fighter!
SHAY: it takes patience, a strong personality that isn't mentally weak, there is a lot to deal with.

How do you maintain your identity, so you don’t become “that guys
KAT: This might sound weird but I don't have an identity to maintain, I'm just me. Plus I don't have a problem being "that Guy's wife"
I AM his wife and pretty damn proud of it! So they better recognize WHO that's guy's wife is!
SHAY: Its hard to become "that guys wife" when I’m already "that guys daughter" hahaha, ill always be myself , shay mccall!!

Tell me one embarrassing thing about your husband that other
 people would enjoy?
KAT: Hahaha there is a couple of embarrassing things I could tell you that OTHER people would enjoy, him on the other hand NOT so much. So I better leave this one alone or I'll be in big trouble
SHAY: He dances sexier that strippers hahah

Thanks girls! See you in FLORIDA! xxo

Post workout favs.

Post workout favs = VITA COCO 100% pure coconut water, MUSCLEPHARM Re-Con and bananas are always good on brown rice cake with organic peanut butter!

Adult acne and diet article. Look for it this evening!

adult acne and diet article to be posted this evening!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Raise Your Hand if You Had A Great Day!

Each day is a gift. You are beautiful and special to many more people than you may think! Happy Memorial Day weekend all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Description: just fill this bad boy out and return.. xxoo...
This triathlete goes the distance at 60, so what's your excuse??

Age: 60
Height: 6'0"
Training Grounds: Kona, Hawaii

Hi DAD, oh wait, I mean Jim (hee hee). I want to say that your story is very inspiring and can most definitely be used as a tool to motivate and educate other people. It is an awesome journey that you have been on and you are getting closer and closer to your dream of competing in IRONMAN!

Have you always been athletic throughout your life? Yes.  I started competitive sports in Junior High and continued into college track and field.  Living in Southern California led to year round sports like surfing, scuba diving and mountain biking. 

At what point in your life did you recognize that triathlons were what you wanted to pursue and why?  I was asked to join some friends to race on Catalina Island in 2003, at the age of 51.  It was a fun event filled with positive energy.  Guess that is what got the ball rolling.  I do triathlon because it's a tremendous challenge, both physically and mentally.

In what way would you say becoming a triathlete has affected your life the most and in what aspect?  To be a competitive triathlete, it requires patience to not only get in shape but to learn techniques in the three aspects of the event; that being the open water swim, the bike and the run.  There is a forth component to the sport which is nutrition to learn how to keep the body properly fueled both during training and racing and recovery.  So it's led me to do a lot of reading and researching, asking questions of friends who do the sport, talking with retail professionals at the bike shops and investing in a personal coach to guide me along the way.  I have significantly changed what I eat and how I train and surround myself with positive people with good energy and it's become a "lifestyle" which I am very happy with.

How would you encourage someone who is interested in triathlons to even get started?  Triathlon is like auto racing.  You can start with a go cart (Sprint level racing) and progress to driving an Indy Car (Full Ironman).  So start out slowly knowing that it can be a lifelong journey. This sport can definitely test your body's cardiovascular system so make sure you don't have any medical issues which would suffer from an elevated heart rate and physical exertion.  Do you homework.  Buy a triathlon magazine and read some of the articles on the sport.  Consider your budget on buying equipment.  The swim only requires a pair of good fitting goggles but the add-ons like wetsuits and other training aids are limitless.  The bike probably can be the most costly item.  I started with a used one from the newspaper for $200.  From there I bought two more used bikes along the way from friends and finally last year purchased my dream bike; a Cervelo P3 carbon fiber with Dura-ace components and Zipp 404 Carbon Fiber wheels.  If you wanna go fast ya gotta go light and it's not cheap.  But I LOVE my bike and it really made a difference in my racing.  The run is the run.  Get a pair of shoes which are designed for your type of foot strike and only use them for training and running.  They will probably cost you around $100 but will keep you from an unbalanced foot and subsequent medical issues.
Having said that, find some people locally who do triathlon at the level you are interested in, like at the YMCA or a local Tri Club, and check it out.  Triathletes are the best people I have ever met in any sport and I've done them all.  They will help you with equipment, tips on staying healthy and encourage you to join the fastest growing sport in the world.  Ask a lot of questions because three sports wrapped-up in one is huge, not to mention the nutritional part of this as well.  Then challenge yourself to train by paying some money and signing-up for a race.  Having that goal out there with just so many weeks to train will hopefully motivate you to put in the time to get your body ready for the day. And lastly, have someone in your life who you are accountable for and who will give you feedback on your progress.  Doing it alone can work for you, but having training partners is, without a doubt, the best way to go.

What is a typical training split like for you throughout the course of a week?  I typically train 6 days a week with the current workload, for my upcoming Half Ironman race, of about 8-10 hours a week.  I have hired a personal coach and he sends me my workouts online, thus the accountability I talked about.  I usually ride two days a week for roughly 5-6 hours total, swim two days at 1.2 miles per swim in the ocean (I live in Hawaii so it's a dream to swim with dolphins and other beautiful critters) and run two days at about 4-6 miles each.  The next race I will be doing is a 1.2 mile open water swim, a 56 mile bike and a 13.1 mile run; also known as an Ironman 70.3

How has your body responded at your age to the endurance training?   I just turned 60 and with that brings some interesting training challenges.  Your body parts are not as flexible as in your youth and recovery is a big component in doing multi-day training sessions.  It does take years, literally, to become a good triathlete, just as with bodybuilding.  So, for me, I had to lose some weight (about 40 pounds to date in the last 3 years) to lighten the load.  And I had to seriously take a look at what I was putting into my mouth.  The short question is .. "what is the nutritional advantages to eating this meal".  Food becomes fuel.  To do that Indy Car race, you gotta use good gasoline and the same goes for racing triathlon.  My wife Jill is my main support team member and keeps me properly fueled throughout the day.  All athletes have their fair share of aches and pains and triathlon is no different.  I have a new level of interest in the human body and how to keep myself healthy.  It's a work in progress.

Describe your proudest moment of training or competing.  I still remember finishing my first Half Ironman race in 2010 here in Hawaii.  I personally dedicated the race to a dear friend of mine who suffered with cancer.  When I approached the finish line, I cried like a baby.

How does your diet affect your training/recovery?  Diet is equally as important as the training itself.  You need to first get good night's sleep.  It's a 24 hour cycle with me.  You trained and caused damage to your muscles.  Sleep is a time of repair and recovery.  You get up and need to hydrate before heading out for the day.  Drinking lots of water is so very important and if the workout is more than an hour, you need to get some carbs in the tank.  Once out on the road, I need to keep calories going in.  The body can only absorb about 300 per hour but you can easily burn up 600-800.  And finding what sits well with your stomach is important.  30-60 minutes after the workout, it's important to get protein into your system for muscle recovery.  Then get off your feet if possible and let the body recover.  Eating balanced meals is really important.  I am lucky in that my wife is great at keeping me fed with good, high quality food. 

Do you have any pre or post training rituals you perform, meaning meditation or stretching etc….  I usually wake up about 6am and like to take an hour to get my head together.  I usually brew a cup of green tea, grab a tumbler with 32 oz of water with some trace minerals added, unload my vitamin container and get the fish oil down first then relax out on the lanai, listen to the ocean, plug in my Bose headphones and listen to some Zen type music while I meditate for 15-30 minutes.  Getting quiet and in the right frame of mind is a wonderful way to re-calibrate my brain to prepare for the day ahead.  Then it's clean the cat box and get myself out on the road or in the water for the workout by 8am.  My post training ritual is get that protein drink in me within 30 minutes then get out of the workout clothes and into the shower.  And lastly, being retired I am fortunate to be able to take an afternoon nap.  The body really needs the recovery benefits from a nap and most of the pro athletes do this very same thing and it works. 

Who are some of your fitness idols? Living in Kona is a dream for any triathlete.  Many of the world's best either visit or live here and I see them on a regular basis.  Google Chris Lieto if you are new to triathlon.  I see Chris several times a week.  He is a really great human being, not to mention the Best triathlon biker in the world.  I have known him for about a year and I so appreciate his willingness to share with a mere mortal like me his wealth of knowledge.  Lance Armstrong is another one of my fitness idols.  Not a lot of people know that Lance originally was an excellent triathlete before doing the Tour de France stuff.  He is back in the triathlon world and I have had the occasion to see him here in Kona and share a shaka from time to time out on Queen K Highway.  And lastly, Bill Bell has to be my ultimate idol.  I met Bill at my first triathlon 10  years ago.  At that time he was 79 years young and doing full Ironman races.  Bill is just about to turn 90 and is still racing triathlon.  We shared a wonderful email recently and he is as sharp as a tack.  I hope to be somewhere in his shadows when I am 90.  What an Ironman legend.

What will you reward yourself with upon completion of IRONMAN?  Love this question.  Upon completion of Ironman Kona, I will be going to the tattoo parlor and get some ink on the back of my right calf.  It's a right of passage in the triathlon world.  When you come up behind someone who has an iM tattoo there, you know you are running or biking with someone who has paid their dues and part of a elite group of athletes in the world.  It will give me something to talk about at the retirement home.

Name your accomplishments/ races you have completed.  I have probably forgotten a few but I did a Sprint Triathlon in 2003, then another one in Idaho a few years later, along with an Olympic distance event and an off-road duathlon.  But I didn't get serious about the sport until 2009.  Since then I have done a hand full of the shorter races, about 4 of the Olympics and three Half Ironman with the 4th. on June 2 of this year. 

Biggest training pet peeve:
People who wear their Aero Helmets for a casual ride.  Save it for race day buddy!

Most embarrassing training moment: About a month ago I was out for a training ride.  It never rains in Kona in the morning.  I ran into a squall with the sun on either side.  Guess who got a flat tire in the middle of the rain.  It was pouring so hard the drops were like bullets.  My tire inflator malfunctioned and I burned through two of my CO2 cartridges then was relegated to walking my bike until a nice couple stopped and gave me a ride.  I called my wife to pick me up ... and to bring a towel as I was soaked to the bone.

Do you have a nickname?  KonaJim
Where will we see you in 5 years?  Living in Kona, swimming in Kona, riding in Kona and running in Kona. 
I can be reached at if you have any questions.  Happy training.