Monday, May 28, 2012

Diet and Acne.. The Lowdown!


I believe adult acne is caused by 3 main things... #1 genetics/hormones, #2 sugar, #3 dairy/red meat

So, I speak of experience! I went through a period of like a good solid year where my face was never clear.. As soon as one went down, BAM 2 more would pop up...Mostly cheeks and chin for me. It's the worst thing ever and it makes you feel crummy. So, upon reading The China Study and Feed Your Face, I discovered some helpful insight that made me change the way I ate in order to help my face clear up.
Hopefully you can identity with one or all of these brief explanations.
 It is definitely important that you keep your face clean! I have used all the expensive crap and you know what works the best, yeah, none other than Cetaphyl found at Walgreens! Best face wash ever. I wash my face morning and night and I do exfoliate with a fine grain scrub 2-3x a week. Its important to slough off the dead skin cells on the surface that build up and clog those pores! Also, DO NOT PICK or squeeze your pimples! Seriously, #1 you spread the bacteria underneath the skin surface, so that one turns into three! Also #2 is by picking you will scar your face and believe me, its a real bitch trying to get those suckers to fade!
  Ok, so anyways I have notes upon notes of acne info, howevs, to keep this short I will run through the main ones...

Did you know that 50% of Americans over the age of 25 suffer from adult acne? It is more common in women, affecting 26% of women in their 40's! DANG DUDE. Women with acne tend to have higher insulin levels, elevated androgen levels (male hormones) and higher rates of insulin resistance. Food with refined sugars and simple carbs get broken down fast into your bloodstream as sugar. This causes blood sugar to spike. Elevated blood sugar stimulates the body to pump out insulin, which then triggers a cascade of hormonal effects, including androgen (acne- causing male hormone). AVOID high gylcemic foods such as refined grains, white breads, pastries, candies, sodas, white rice...

on to my favorite one... #2 MILK (and beef)
 Milk is full of cow hormones. Cow's milk (even organic) contains it's ow hormones (including androgens) and growth factors (including bovine... antibiotics and added growth hormones) both of which survive pasteurization and homogenization. That means every time you drink milk or eat dairy products, the cow hormones are absorbed by YOUR body and remain active in the bloodstream, so they can affect your skin (and acne) in much the same way as human hormones. Milk can affect human hormone production! Eve though mil is low on the glycemic index, dairy has been shown to elevate insulin production to the same extent as white bread (see above)!!! Whey proteins have androgen like effects. Whey protein can be isolated from the whey of cows milk and added to foods (cereals, protein bars) to up their protein content. Whey is the liquid that remains after milk has been curdled and strained, and it's a by product of cheese production.  So, how can you help make the shift in your diet? Heres how:
* Skip out on full-fat milk and dairy. This includes instant breakfast shakes, sherbet, yogurt and cheese, and YES ICE CREAMS! double whammy. If you cannot make that commitment , then at the very least choose nonfat, skim and organics which carry fewer cow hormones and bovines (though they will still increase androgens in your body messing with your acne).
* Beware of "hidden" dairy products such as processed lunch meats, granola bars (yes i know...thats why i make my own). Stay away from whey and casein. Casein is a whole 'nother war!OMG read the China Study for that one..ick

Anyways guys, there is sososo much info. I stopped eating red meat in November 2011 and haven't had a bite since and its great. I will still eat some dairy here and there but no nearly what I used to... Sugar still find its way into my diet as a treat every now and then..but I can tell you that by eliminating dairy, red meat and drinking lots more water, my skin has turned around!

Good Luck peeps, i'd like to hear any success stories you have!

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