Bent Over Rows
Bent over rows are done with a barbell and they target the lats and upper back. To perform these, stand behind a weighted barbell in a wide stance. Bend your knees and back slightly and grab the bar in a shoulder-width grip. Maintain the slight bend in your back and legs and pull the bar up to your stomach. Let it back down until your arms are completely straight and repeat. These can also be performed with dumbbells.
Chin-ups and pull-ups are the same exercise. The only difference is, with pull-ups your palms face away from you and with chin-ups your palms face towards you. To do these, grab a pull-up bar in a wide grip. Pull your chest up to the bar, then lower yourself back down. If these are too difficult, bend your knees and place your toes on a chair to take off some resistance. You can also have a partner hold out her arm for you to apply pressure into. These work the upper lats and rhomboids which are located in between the shoulder blades.
Good Morning
"Good mornings" are lower back exercises that utilize a barbell. To do these, place the barbell across your upper back area and hold it with a wide grip. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart and, with your back straight, bend at the waist until your upper body is about parallel to the floor, then come back up.
Back extensions are another lower back exercise and these can be done with a stability ball. Lie across the ball so the center is at about waist level. Place your feet against a wall for leverage and your hands on the sides of your head. Bend down towards the floor, then lift yourself back up by contracting your lower back muscles. has some great UTD info on all things fitness. Here are a few links for you. They have demo videos to show you how to do it correctly. has some great UTD info on all things fitness. Here are a few links for you. They have demo videos to show you how to do it correctly.
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