Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fitness Competitor and Athlete Karis!!! Check out this interview!

Karis Thompson

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115
Training Gym/Coach(es): Boise Axiom (parkcenter) Trainers: Mike Hildebrant/ Jeremiah Glass

Hi Karis! Thanks for agreeing to this interview. First of all, I really admire your determination and consistency in your training. You are definitely making a name for yourself and I think its important to awknowledge and share our successes to motivate and inspire others! On that note, here we go... my first athlete interview on my blog site!

LC: How long have you been training?

I've always been active and loved to lift weights but starting REALLY training and setting some new goals for myself in Jan 2012

LC: What got you interested in training and how did you get started?

As a young girl, my parents always kept me in sports and that carried on through high school, but it wasn't till after I graduated when I first stepped into the gym. I knew I still wanted to feel good and be in shape. I LOVE looking at all the fitness magazines and admiring all the women competing and after I had my first baby, I lost a little to much weight and decided to work with a personal trainer. He taught me the importance of nutrition and how to train properly. After about a month of training, I started noticing how my body was changing and I loved it! I've been trying to challenge myself and learn new things ever since.

LC: How long do you typically spend in the gym on an average workout?

On average i am usually at the gym for an hour and a half.

LC: What’s the longest break you have taken from training and how did it impact your performance upon returning?

Haha! Well, the biggest break was when i was pregnant. I obviously was gaining weight because of the baby but even after, i didnt start for about two months later. It was extremely hard in the begining. I wasn't seeing changest as fast as i wanted and cardiovasclory, it killed me! I had takin way to much time off and I was slow, sore and not fit! ; ) Time is your friend and thankfully, I never gave up and if i wasnt't at the gym, I was trying to do something active everyday.

LC: Consistency is key! What tips can you give someone who is struggling to stay consistent?

Just remember that you're doing this for you! Take care of yourself! Sometimes I will print out quotes or pictures of women that i strive to be like on my phone, frigde, mirror..Its a great constant reminder of where you want to be. We all have busy schedules but even if you're working a long day, take a break, go for a walk/jog, do lunges, you can even get creative on your work chair. There are great exercies online or on the website. 

LC: Diet is a HUGE factor in your industry. How do you cope with cravings for junk foods, sweets or salty goodies?

Honestly, I try not to by them because I know i will eat them. Especially when im geating ready to compete. I def believe in cheat meals though and think everyone needs them. For me it's Sundays. I let myself have a meal that i want, whether its a beer, pizza, iceream.. I feel like if I tell myself I can't ever cheat, I know I'm setting myself up for failure and give into my cravings.

LC: Do you have any favorite athletes or fitness models?

Currently Im in love with Ashley Horner. She's an athlete for and i love the modivation and determination about her. She's a strong woman physically and mentally, has great training tips and easy recipes to follow. I'm also a big fan of Nicole Wilkons. She's an Ifbb Pro Figure Competitor and has been Miss Olympia for the last few years.

LC: What types of cardio have worked best for you?

I love running 3ks as well as HIIT sessions on the treadmill. Sometimes I'll take a day and do circut training to keep my heart rate up for 30 mins.. I kinda get bored so i like to switch it up!

LC: What is your training split like?

Monday: Legs w/30 min cario session, Tuesday: Chest and Tris w/ 30 min cardio session, Wednesday: HIIT for 30 min, Thursday: Back and Bi's w/ 30 min cardio session, Fridays: Shoulders and Calves w/ 30 min cardio session, Saturday: Circut training 45 mins, Sunday: off or 30 min cardio

LC: Describe your first fitness competition

Preparing a few months ahead was great! Started lifting heavy and staring on track with a good food program. The month before was the most challenging part ever! Nutrition is 80% and that last month you're not getting alot of cards because you're trying to get as lean as possible. I was tired alot and a little grouchy at times. You push through it though and when it was time for show day, I was nervous, excited, scared but for the most part, I was just proud to say i had made it to the end. 

LC: Do you take any supps?

Yes, I take a multi vitamin, my bcca's, vitamin C, and a fish oil. I also like to take a preworkout when i feel sluggish such as NO Explode and like to take Extend or Amino Recovery durring my workouts for faster muscle recovery, the electrolytes and for my muscles to grow.

LC: Any shout outs or thank yous? 

I want to first thank you for thinking of me and for this interview as well as my boyfriend, Mike, and my two girls, Giselle and Caprice for the constant modivation and support. We are always trying new ways of cooking in the family so we can all live healthier lives and live a healthy active lifestyle. I want to thank Jeremiah Glass for pushing me to do competitions. He is one of the most dedicated and driven trainers i know. I learned alot of new training excercises from him, he's a great posing coach and always believed in me. Mike Hildebrant for helping me understand more about nutrition and to really dial in and focus more on how to train my "problem" areas. 


LC: Biggest gym pet peeve? People just standing around visiting the whole time
LC: FAV cheat food? Red Vines and white chocolate chips
LC: FAV bodypart on self? Legs
LC: Most embarrassing moment during training? Walked on a teadmill that was already running and as soon as I steped on, I flew back! water, ipod, keys went flying everywhere too. And of couse there were tons of prople around to see. ; )
LC: Where will we see you in 5 years? I still plan on doing competions hopefully place 1st in an NGA showby then. Of course being with my family and just to be the best that i can be always!

AWESOME! Karis, thanks for your time and here's to you and your future successes!

Karis is pictured on the left!

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