Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Superfood: Açaí

Superfood: Açaí
The Acai berry. pronounced (ahh-sigh-ee).
So, being that I have been to Brazil 3 times now... I always look forward to getting a huge bowl of this stuff at the Bibi Sucos or some other great juice bar! This berry seems to be the #1 trending health food/supplement. 
Research on the acai berry has focused on its possible antioxidant activity. Theoretically, that activity may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer. Some studies show that acai fruit pulp has a very high antioxidant capacity with even more antioxidant content than cranberry, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, or blueberry. 

Açaí pulp contains:
  • A remarkable concentration of antioxidants that help combat premature aging, with 10 times more antioxidants than red grapes and 10 to 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine.
  • A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
  • An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction and regeneration. 
I have attempted to buy the packets SAMBAZON (http://www.sambazon.com/), and I am still perfecting my own blend. Be careful to not buy packets that have been watered down or have lots of additives. Acai pulp is thicker than water and without being mixed with a natural sweetener tastes bad! Anyways, this is a good treat to add to your diet! Especially on hot summer days!
The only place that I have found an acai bowl similar to that in Brazil is in Kona, Hawaii at Basik Acai! (http://www.basikacai.com/)

( A few team members from Alliance Jiu Jitsu Boise in Rio de Janeiro enjoying Acai bowls!)

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