Thursday, June 28, 2012

Anitbiotics and hormones in your meat and milk.


Most meat today, whether chicken, beef, pork or lamb, have received hormone treatment of one kind or another. Milk too, is a rich source of hormones, particularly estrogen. Some hormones used widely in the US are banned by Europe! These hormones, including synthetic estradiol and testosterone, are used to force growth rates and milk production. These are the same chemicals found in men and women with   hormone related diseases. So far, breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, prostate and testicular cancer and endometriosis have all been linked to high estrogen levels.

Antibiotics are also in widespread use in both humans and animals. Unlike human medicines, antibiotics are routinely added to animal feed to prevent infection and enhance growth, so the consumer is hit with the result as well.

MILK---> Milk and other dairy products are a staple of the American diet. The truth is milk is not a very good source of many minerals. Manganese, chromium, selenium, and magnesium are all found in higher levels in fruits and veggies. The most important is magnesium, which works alongside calcium. The ideal calcium to magnesium ratio is 2:1- you need twice as much calcium as magnesium. Milk's ratio is 10:1, while cheese is at 28:1.
Besides nutrient imbalances in milk, hormones play a large part in human diseases and cancers. Prostate and breast cells are stimulated to grow by hormones. Hormone sensitive cells go into overgrowth when exposed to too much estrogen (milk), or estrogen like chemicals. Its scary to read that US cows are treated with bovine growth hormone (BGH), which is a growth hormone capable of forcing more milk production by 12%. This means a cow's daily milk production has gone from 3 to 30 quarts..yes, you read that right.

Milk allergies.
Milk allergies or intolerance is very common among kids and adults. Sometimes its the result of lactose intolerance, since many adults lose the ability to digest lactose (milk sugar). Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, gas, and diarrhea. The most COMMON symptoms are a blocked nose and excessive mucus problem. These are inflammatory reactions produced by the bod when it doesn't like what you're eating.

In conclusion to this article, i think from the evidence, meat (beef in particular) nor milk should be staple foods if you really want to improve your health. For meat lovers, i say eat it 3x a week but substitute more veggies, beans, legumes, nuts and fruits on ur plate.

A great documentary to watch that will explain this more in depth is FORKS OVER KNIVES
and a great book to read is THE CHINA STUDY

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