What foods do you associate with protein? ... Meat, eggs, cheese, ,muscles, growth. You have to eat these foods to get enough protein to grow big and strong. The protein in meat is more usable than the protein in plants. If you do muscle building exercises than you need more protein.... RIGHT OR WRONG? read on...
The human body contains approximately 65% water and 25% protein. Protein is made out of nitrogen containing molecules called amino acids. 25 different amino acids are pieced together in varying combinations to make different kinds of protein, which form the material for our cells and organs. The general consensus of protein consumption on average is 36 grams for women and 44 grams for men. If the quality of the protein is high, less is needed to be eaten. At the other end of the spectrum are very high protein diets (100-200grams) which is an unwise recommendation for weight loss.
Typically, you want your diet to consists of 10% protein.
Most people are in danger of eating too much protein and not enough. Excess protein is a contributor to osteoporosis, over acidity, and many other health probe. Protein rich foods, including dairy, produce acid when broken down by your body. Our bodies freak out and try to neutralize or "buffer" this effect through two main alkalinizing agents-sodium and calcium.When body reserves of sodium are used up, calcium is taken from the bone. Therefore, the more protein you eat, the more calcium you lose...scary huh?!
Protein produces breakdown products that are hard work for the kidneys.
Protein is acidic. Consumption of low carb/high protein diet for 6 weeks delivers a major acidic load to the kidneys, increasing the chance for stone formation...yikes.
Probably the highest quality protein is quinoa, a grain from South America which was a staple food for the Incas and Aztecs. Quinoa is actually called the "mother grain" because of it's sustaining properties, it contains protein of better quality than meat!
Soybeans are also really good, but remember, they effect estrogen levels in the body.
check this out: A lamb chop provides 25% of total calories as protein and 75% as fat, much of which is saturated (the bad stuff). In comparison, beans and lentils half the calories come from protein, so they are actually a better source of protein than the lamb, but the real advantage is that the rest of the calories are a complex carb! (the good carbs).
Now don't get me wrong, I do love to eat my fish and turkey which is a leaner meat choice, but don't be scared to cook with grains. Nuts and seeds are also an excellent source of protein and good fats that your brain needs to stay sharp! I always make my own homemade granola bars out of the seeds and turkey muffins as a staple in my fridge!
Veggies do carry lots of proteins, especially broccoli, and don't cause an acidic residue in the body like meats do.
on that note...enjoy dinner!
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