Tuesday, July 31, 2012

From PaleOMG website! sososo good

Cilantro Chicken Nuggets

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Total time: 20 mins
Serves: 2-4
  • For the nuggets
  • 1lb ground chicken or ground turkey
  • 1 egg, whisked
  • 1 bundle of cilantro, chopped (the more, the better!)
  • 3 scallions, chopped
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoons Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil
  • For the dipping sauce
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Aminos
  • 1/8 cup white wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon ground stone mustard (from the bottle/container-not powder)
  • 1 teaspoon Raw Honey
  1. Mix all of your nugget ingredients together: ground chicken, egg, cilantro, scallions, sesame oil, ginger, and salt and pepper.
  2. Now heat up a large skillet under medium heat and add 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  3. Place your coconut flour in a shallow bowl.
  4. Make small balls from your nugget mixture, “nugget sized” and place each nugget in the coconut flour (being sure to only lightly dust the nuggets) then place in your skillet.
  5. Use a spatula to slightly flatten out each nugget. It only needs just a little press down.
  6. Cook on both sides for 5-7 minutes or until cooked through.
  7. While your nuggets cook, mix your dipping sauce ingredients together.
  8. Once your nuggets are done cooking, dip those little guys in the sauce and eat those grown up nuggets up!

Fighting Infections Naturally

Prevention is better than cure. Science is starting to show us that we succumb to bugs only when we are run down, so let's focus on keeping that immune system strong so it is ready to attack when an invader comes along. There are many types of bugs: bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. It's important to know what you are dealing with to access the right treatments.

Immune-boosting nutrients are good year round! While vitamin C's main strength is against viruses, grapefruit seed extract is a good antibiotic. While the jury is still out on the effect of vitamin C on the common cold, I am going to personally continue with my daily recommended dosage! Ever heard of "tissue saturation"? In order for a bug to take hold, a cold virus must get inside the cells, "re program" them to make more cold cells, which in turn kill more good cells. However, if the body's tissues are high in vitamin C, the virus cannot survive. Tissue saturation is more likely to be achieved by taking in around 10 to 15 grams a day, or 2 grams every 4 hours (which is 250x the RDA). Fortunately, vitamin C is one of the least toxic substances known.

Here's another goody to help fight viruses: Elderberry. Elderberry helps disarm these invading bugs by binding to them and and preventing them from penetrating the cell membrane.

Immune Boosting Herbs:

Cat's Claw (I've never tried this personally):
Cat's claw is used as a tea and apparently tastes good with currant or apple concentrate at one cup a day.

Echinacea: A great multitasker with antiviral and antibacterial properties

Garlic: Contains allicin, a substance that is antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial! It also acts as an antioxidant, rich in sulfur containing amino acids.

 Grapefruit seed extract (aka Citricidal). Grapefruit seed extract has similar effects as antibiotics but without the icky side effects. Also has antifungal and antiviral properties!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Being Worthy and Deserving

I had a very tender moment with one of my clients/ Lady Coats followers and I thought I would share my experience.

The other day, I had the pleasure of having one of my fav clients in my chair. When she sat down, tears started rolling down her face and she kindly explained how she had been following my blogs and how she's really had to ask herself some honest questions lately. She had just had a baby and knows she needs to get healthy and lose some weight.

I told her that she deserves a healthy body and lifestyle and to be patient with herself in her journey. It is  
nobody's right or place to judge or dictate her progress or setbacks.

We are all worthy and deserving of this. Those that put in the work will reap the reward, however consistency is key and being true to yourself and holding yourselves accountable to what you put in your mouth is a huge factor in your success!

I believe in her and her ability to cut weight and alleviate health problems. She is a strong willed woman with a lot of potential and support behind her! We only have one life, one body so lets take care of it and treat it as our castle!

You all are beautiful and deserving of happiness and health!

 In Health,


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Boise's Own Shawn Carlson Covers Nutrition.

Shawn M. Carlson
Shawn Carlson has been an active professional in the health and fitness industry since 2005.  In 2006, he left the commercial gym environment and began operating out of an independent studio. Since the move, Shawn has successfully developed a loyal following in helping clients re-shape their lives.  Offering a unique approach of incorporating customized nutrition plans and training programs for each client has given him a special standing in the local health and fitness community.  Holding multiple credentials in the fitness industry, Shawn excels at working with clients one-on-one in the areas of weight management, contest preparation and personalized nutritional planning. 

Professional Credentials:

·       Certified Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-CPT)

·       Performance Enhancement Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-PES)

·       Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-FNS)

·       Certified Specialist in Fitness Nutrition, International Sport Sciences Association (ISSA-SFN)

·       Certified Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist, National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA-LWMS)

1. Nutrition is such a huge part of health success. For someone wanting to make a large change in their diet, how would you recommend they approach it?

            *Start by keeping it simple! This is assuming, of course, that the person has a history of making not-so-great food choices.  In this instance, it’s important that they take things one step at a time… I’ve seen many more people fail when they tried to change too many variables at one time.  For someone who is new to making healthy changes in their lifestyle, if we change EVERYTHING at once, what happens if the expected changes in body comp, weight loss, etc. aren’t realized?

 That person has now put themselves into a position where they have to evaluate MANY variables; it can become overwhelming and extremely discouraging. So what exactly do I mean by “keep it simple”?? Well, first I would suggest tracking your food! If we don’t know where you’re starting, how can we make any appropriate adjustments? You would be surprised how many little things you consume throughout the day that can be forgotten. For example: Are there a lot of sweets in your nutritional intake? 

Many times people don’t even realize how many extra calories are being consumed by the little “extras” in their diet.  By extras, we’re talking about things like sodas, sugar based condiments, those couple handfuls of M&Ms you grabbed passing your co-workers’ desk… You get the point.  The next step could be looking at a couple of the items below and adding one or two of them into your daily habits:

·      Are you eating 4-6 small/medium sized meals per day?
·      Are you getting at least 3-4 servings of veggies per day?
·      Do you eat breakfast on a consistent basis?
·      Does at least 75% of your nutritional intake consist of whole foods?
·      Do you make sure to pair a protein with any of your carbohydrate meals?

These all are a great place to start in making a true lifestyle change in nutritional intake.  Keep in mind that these are just a few examples to start with, there are many other possibilities!  

2. For those who are freaked out by carbs, can you explain the importance of them?

            *I’ve worked with a lot of people over the years that in the beginning had a huge phobia of carbs!  Much of this could be attributed to misinformation in today’s mainstream media.  Fact of the matter is, carbohydrates (considered” glucose’ once in the body and stored in the body as” glycogen”) and in many ways, are our bodies’ preferred energy source.  It’s my belief, however, that the actual AMOUNT of carbs consumed can (and should) vary from person to person… depending on an individuals’ activity level, particular goal(s) and/or any underlying medical condition(s) (i.e. insulin resistance, diabetes, PCOS, etc).

 Carbs, just like any other macronutrient, CAN be over-consumed.  Any time the amount of food you consume puts you into a caloric surplus, it’s possible to gain weight and/or body fat.  The variable that seems to make carbs the “black sheep” of the macronutrients are their effect on blood sugar levels and insulin production…

 Simple or higher glycemic carbs are going to have a more dramatic impact when digested and cause rapid blood sugar spikes, thereby causing more drastic production and release of insulin. Simply put, in MOST cases, what this means to most people is the end result will be a higher likelihood of the ingested calories to be stored as body fat.  Some examples of your faster digesting carbs would be: white bread, bagels, candy, syrups, white rice, sugary drinks, white potato, many breakfast cereals and so on.

Don’t get me wrong, higher glycemic foods DO have their place and when timed properly, can actually be advantageous to someone who is looking to improve their body composition and performance. 

Instead of diving into that topic, some examples of the carb sources I generally will suggest to my clientele would be: brown rice, yams, sweet potato, whole grain or sprouted bread, oats, quinoa, most fruits and vegetables.  These carb sources are going to tend to fall more under the category of complex or lower glycemic foods.  As a side note, many of these complex carbs will also be more nutritionally dense (more vitamins/minerals), than simple carb choices.

At the end of the day, carbs ARE NOT evil and when you make smart choices can actually help you achieve your body composition goals!

3. What are your feelings on taking supplements?

            *I think supplements are great when used properly.  They can be great for helping you fill in your nutritional “gaps”, but I generally recommend that a person get their nutrition and exercise dialed in before turning to supplementation.  Remember, supplements should be used as tools to SUPPLEMENT a sound diet and exercise regime.  If you are banking on that fancy new fat burner you bought to be your answer to finally losing the weight, you’re in some trouble! Supplements can certainly help and give you an edge, but you should NOT be depending on them for results.  Below are a few of the basics that I recommend to those looking to supplement their active-healthy lifestyle:
·      Multi-Vitamin
·      BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids)
·      Fish Oil
·      Whey/Casein Protein Powder(s)

4. Why is breakfast such an important meal?
            Well, there are several benefits to making sure to eat breakfast on a daily basis… One really important reason, that I don’t hear many people bring up is to help control cortisol levels.  For those who don’t know, cortisol is a stress hormone that increases energy production by breaking down tissue. People who are looking for weight loss this sounds like a great thing, but in many cases elevated cortisol levels for long periods of time can equate to break down of lean tissue (i.e. muscle tissue), oxidative stress and increased fat storage (particularly around the midsection). 

Cortisol levels generally peak naturally in the early-mid morning hours (7-9am).  Additionally, caffeine intake can actually augment cortisol production, so for all you coffee drinkers out there that are skipping breakfast, this is not helping! By eating a healthy, balanced breakfast you can help to curb the severity and duration of these cortisol spikes.  What this means for you is the potential for less anxiety, improved overall mood and improved body composition!

5. Can you explain the myth of women lifting heavy weights will make them “mannish”?

            I’m assuming that when we’re talking about “mannish”, we’re talking about what some women might also refer to as “bulky”.  Again, this is a concern that is typically brought up by a good number of my female clients.  Fact of the matter is, much of your ability to develop and grow your muscles is genetically pre-determined.  Further, in most cases, women are not hormonally setup to build massive, muscled-out bodies. 

Does this mean that a woman can’t put on muscle if she wants to?? Absolutely not! There are many natural female athletes out there that are living proof of this.  I can guarantee you though; they had to work their butts off to get there!  Another factor to consider is that everyone is going to respond to exercise differently.  Some will be more apt to build muscle at a faster pace, but remember, there will still be limiting factors as to HOW MUCH growth will take place.  In other words, stop making excuses and hit the weights!!

6. What is the secret to a great 6 pack abs?

            Abs are made in the kitchen!  I’m sure most everyone has heard that saying by now, but I couldn’t agree more.  I get asked by a lot of people about how someone can “shape” their abs better or what exercises will make them “pop” more… The thing is, if you have a layer of fat covering what abs you DO have, doing more crunches or the latest ab movements aren’t going to do a lot for you.  It’s very likely you will be better developing and strengthening those muscles, but you will never have those “beach body” abs if you don’t take the steps necessary to uncover them!

To avoid any confusion, I’m NOT knocking on performing ab exercises; there are many benefits to performing them (above and beyond just developing abs). The point here is, if you want the secret to six pack abs, then most likely one of the first variables you should be looking at is your food intake.  Generally, a good starting point would be to “clean up” your diet.  What I mean by that is to try taking out some of the processed foods, sugary foods and foods that are high in SATURATED fat.  Additionally, add in more servings of fruits and veggies throughout the day.  As you are getting your nutrition dialed in, make sure that the exercise programs (both weights and cardio) you are following are both progressive and are tailored towards the goal your setting out to achieve.

7. What is the #1 biggest diet myth you can bust?

            Eating fats does not equal fat gain!! Fat intake can actually be quite beneficial to those looking to improve their body composition.  Yes, it’s true that there are certain TYPES of fat sources that you are going to want to limit or avoid, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should be cutting out fat intake altogether.  Not only are fats the most energy dense macronutrient; they also play a vital role in hormonal balance, metabolic rate, cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, formation of our cell and nervous systems and aid in the transport of our fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Rather than give you a complete essay on the benefits and importance of fat intake, what I want to touch on are what types of fats we should focus on and the food sources we can acquire them from in order to help improve body composition.  The three main fat sources I want to talk about are the polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fats. 

Polyunsaturated fats (“poly” = more than one carbon is unsaturated) like omega-3 and omega-6’s are the ones most commonly referred to as the “healthy fats”.  Common sources of our polyunsaturated fats would be; flax seeds/oil, fish oil, salmon, tuna, canola, safflower, sesame.

Monounsaturated fats (“mono” = only one carbon is unsaturated) are found in many healthy nuts and seeds (as well as other foods). Common sources of our monounsaturated fats would be; almonds, pecans, peanuts, sesame, avocado, olive oil.

Saturated fats, most commonly referred to as one of the “bad” fats, are actually beneficial and very necessary in our dietary intake. While in my opinion, these should make up the LEAST amount of your fat intake, I don’t recommend that you make it a mission to completely cut them out (and actually, in most cases that’s pretty much impossible).  Common sources of saturated fats would be; beef, butter, cheese, whole milk, palm oil. 

It’s important to note that some of these food sources are going to tend to overlap and fall into more than one category… Fats are made up of fatty acids and the majority of foods are made up of a COMBINATION of these different fatty acids. Therefore, you’re going to be hard-pressed to find a fat source that is purely just a mono, poly or saturated fat. While the actual number of grams of fat that one should consume on a daily basis can vary greatly from person to person; I generally recommend that 70-75% of total fat consumption come from poly and monounsaturated fats and 25-30% saturated for optimal health.  

Friday, July 27, 2012

Moody are We? Tame that Tantrum. Foods that Alleviate Some of the Common Moods...

Mood Foods
Your brain depends on a variety of nutrients to keep itself balanced. Here's the scoop on 6 snacks that will help kick your mind into gear!

Your Mood: ANXIOUS
Your food: PROTEIN! Eating between 4 and 5 ounces of protein helps your brain create dopamine and norepinephrine, neurochemicals that keep you alert.

Your food: NUTS and SEEDS! Stress hormones deplete your body's supply of magnesium, reducing your stress coping abilities and reduces your risk for developing high blood pressure.

Your food: CARBS A 1/2 HOUR BEFORE BED! The carbs will induce your body to create serotonin, a neurochemical that makes you feel relaxed. Make sure it's fat free, because fat will slow the process of boosting serotonin levels.

Your food: FISH. A study in Finland found that people who ate more fish are 31% less likely to suffer from depression.

Chocolate contains a host of chemicals to brighten your mood, including anadamine which targets the same receptors as THC which produces a cozy, euphoric feeling.

Your food: FRUITS N VEGGIES! Antioxidants from the most colorful fruits and veggies help pick off free radicals that wear away at your memory.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Eat for Your Abs! 12 Power Foods That Will Make Your Muscles POP

Incorporating these fab foods into your meals and snacks everyday will satiate your tastes and cravings and keep you from feasting on the icky fat promoters in your life.

ALMONDS (and other nuts)
BEANS (and other legumes)
SPINACH (and other greens)
DAIRY ( not for me so much.... but it's listed)
EGGS (egg whites alone are better)
PEANUT BUTTER (natural kind. not the sugary stuff)


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Miss Veta Arteaga Gives the "deets" Inside Her MMA World!

My name is Veta Arteaga I’m 24 year old. I graduated from Minico High School in 2006. I work full time at the Head Start Administration office in Boise. I also attend BSU/ CWI I’m a "typical” girl who loves to shop and get dolled up before have a great time with my friends. I also love spending time with my family and friends and anything that is positive in my life. I come from a loving family with three older brothers, I love being the youngest and the only girl. I love trying new things. Unless you know me, don’t pass judgment, if you get the chance I bet you will be pleasantly surprised. ;)

Training facilities: Combat Fitness, Alliance Jiu Jitsu Boise 

Veta Arteaga… well, well, well… what can I say besides holy hotness with the 1-2 punch. This Boise area babe has earned her keep at Combat Fitness and Alliance Jiu Jitsu Boise. Veta is a force to be reckoned with in the local MMA and Jiu Jitsu arena and is about to spill the beans on her dedicated training…

Veta, what initially inspired your love for martial arts?
Growing up I was athlete I played t-ball and cheer. All through high school I played basketball and softball. So going to to a mma gym I knew it was something I wanted to try.

 You have swept medals on the mat in BJJ and rolled some heads in MMA, tell us about your accomplishments!
-As far as accomplishments I want to fight in the cage no later than this year. That is my goal and I would to accomplish it J another accomplishment is working my way to receiving a blue belt.

At what point did you realize your talent in the industry, and how have you proceeded in becoming Boise’s MMA princess?
-Haha, as far as talent I still have a lot to learn in mix martial arts. I knew eventually I wanted to compete. Especially since I have been training and taking the classes.

How do you maintain your athleticism off the mats? What is your typically work out regiment?
I try to work out every day, if I’m not training at combat or alliance I try to at least hike, run, hot yoga, and play basketball anything to make me sweat.

How does diet play a role in your sport?
- haha, Dieting can be a bit of a struggle sometimes. Growing up I was always known as the “chubby friend”. I eventually started paying more attention and time to prepare what I was putting into my body. I don’t deprive myself of food, but I don’t reward myself. I try eating clean as best as I can. I also started drinking more water. I find empty bottles of water everywhere! I want to walk around at 135 and fight around 125lbs, but right now I walk around 145-150, so I still have some work to do.

In a gym full of men, how do you find the balance of maintaining the female respect but still keeping up with the boys?
- As far as respect goes, both Combat and Alliance has such respectful and nice guys that I train around. They’re disciplined and hit me hard enough to become better, but they also know their own strength so they don’t underestimate me.

Describe your proudest moment in MMA/Jiu Jitsu.
- I don’t really have one quite yet in MMA since I haven’t stepped in the cage. But as far as Jiu Jitsu, my proudest moment was when I competed in Northwest and lost my first match in a gi and made a comeback and won first place in gi and no gi. Also when I earn stripes, I always feel proud of myself.

In the dating world, are men intimidated by you once they find out your sport is not knitting (hahah)?
-haha, although knitting does interest me, I don’t really know if it intimidates men or not. Most of the time, they don’t know when I first meet them, it’s usually not until they ask me if I can hang out or want to go do something and my reply could be, “I have to go train”, that’s usually when the conversation comes up. Usually it’s a surprise to them. Overall I hope it doesn’t intimidate them…but that could be why I’m single haha.

Veta, you are a true class act woman on and off the mat. This sport can definitely harden people’s attitude, yet you remain a humble, friendly competitor with incredible sportsmanship. How do you find that mindset?
-Thanks for the compliments! As far as balancing out, I have my family such as my brothers who always put me in my place if I were to act out or be disrespectful towards anyone. My family always taught and followed the golden rule of “treat people how you want to be treated”.

How do you deal with NEW training partners who mistake your gender for weakness and “go for blood” right away?
- Funny that you mention that! It never fails, If I ever get hurt, it’s usually by a new guy. When I first start with a new guy, I always ask if they feel comfortable being my training partner even though I’m a girl and some feel uncomfortable and others don’t…If anything I try to work more so with technique than strength, which overall helps me out.

What is your response to people out there that consider MMA a man’s sport?
- I guess overall people pay more attention to men’s sports than they do to something including women…including myself. I pay more attention to men’s basketball than women’s basketball, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t women out there that are just as talented as the men.

Who are some of your idols and why?
- As cheesy as it sounds, Freddy, my brother is my Idol over any fighter. He’s the one who got me into the sport and introduced me to the gym. I learn a lot from him. He has helped motivate me both on and off the mat. He helped inspire me to continue with school and other things like to buy my house. I owe a lot to my brother Freddy, not just because he’s family, but he’s overcome a lot in life and through that has helped me in so many different ways.

Where will we see you in this sport in the next 5 years?
- Well, right now…It’s not quite my time to shine yet. I’m still waiting on my first MMA fight, but overall I hope my name is out there for people to know who I am and for people to want to watch me fight.


* Biggest pet peeve in the gym:
I have a few actually…One is I hate when guys burp in the gym like there’s not a lady present ha-ha. Another pet peeve is when people talk while the instructor is trying to teach us something.

* Describe your first day either in MMA or BJJ on the mat.
I felt a little nervous and excited at the same time. I literally sweat so much that it look like as if I got thrown into a pool.

* Any pre training rituals? 
I usually have a routine Monday through Friday. I work at a Head Start from 8-5. I go train at combat fitness right after work until about 8, Tuesday and Thursdays I work out twice a day. I work out on my lunch at alliance.

* Favorite color stilettos…
Oh man now that’s a tough one.. I love stilettos..but as far as right now my favorite color in stilettos is red.

* Favorite quote or motto to live by.
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


Monday, July 23, 2012

Clean Zucchini Bread Muffins

These moist, melt-in-your-mouth Zucchini Bread Muffins provide the perfect use for your summer zucchini bounty.
Ingredients (makes 12 muffins)
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour ( i used oat flour)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil ( coconut oil)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/4 cup sugar/stevia blend (I used Sun Crystals) (xylitol)
  • 1/2 cup + 1 Tablespoon brown sugar  (no sugar! i subbed 1/4 cup honey)
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 cups grated zucchini
  • Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Whisk flour, salt, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon together in a large bowl.
  • In another bowl, combine eggs, oil, applesauce, sugars and vanilla. Whisk until well blended.
  • Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients in three batches, stirring after each batch until just combined. Fold in zucchini.
  • Place muffin wrappers into muffin tin and fill 3/4 of the way full. Bake for 20 minutes, rotating muffin pan halfway through until toothpick inserted into the middle comes out clean.

*** when i pulled them out, after baking for 25 minutes, they were still a lil soft but not mushy.. i think the coconut oil made the bottoms a little bit oily so i stuck them in the fridge and they are fab!

Day 7 of 7 Diet clean out...

Pics from last Monday to Sunday... Water, no crap food, eating clean!


Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best and expect ONLY the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have NO time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side as long as you are true to the best that is in you!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Fakin it". The secrets to a flawless tan

Back in 1920 a group of scientists attempted to develop a sugar substitute (dihydroxyacetone or DHA). People that ate it claimed it tasted terrible and stained the insides of their mouth brown which wouldn't go away for days. Voila! Self tanning creams were born.
 Modern self tanners are an excellent alternative for people that want that sun kissed look without the side effects. Here's how it works: DHA chemically reacts with the proteins in the top layer of the skin-the dead cells of the epidermis turning it brown. The concentrations of DHA and other added chemicals in these tanning lotions and cremes differ brand to brand, so you may need to play around a little bit to find one that suits you. Tanners have gotten bad rap because they can turn the skin blotchy looking, uneven and orange AHHHH! BUT, behold, I have tracked down some secrets for you to implement into your self tanning regiment for better result..

1.) EXFOLIATE! DHA reacts only with dead skin cells in the outermost layer, but areas of dryer and flaky skin will "grab more DHA making the tan uneven.

2.) MOISTURIZE! After exfoliating, moisturize the rough areas on your body including knees and elbows!

3.) WATCH YOUR SPOTS! Freckles and sunspots absorb more of the DHA which can lead to darker patches If that's the case, you may want to opt for a bronzer instead.

4.) APPLY IN THIN LAYERS! and rub it in well. If you just slop a bunch of self-tanner on your body, you'll be more likely to turn your skin orange. Lotions and creams are better than sprays which can streak.

5.) WASH YOUR PALMS AND SOLES! The skin on the palm of your hands and soles of your feet is thicker, so it can become darker than the rest of the body.

6.) SPF! A fake tan won't protect you from the sun. Even if your skin looks darker with self-tanner, you still need SPF.

Ok, so what happens if you over did it and made a self tanner boo-boo.. OOPS! You're orange! (hahah...sorry)  Don't panic, here's a quick tip to fix that. Get yourself to the drugstore and get the acne treatment pads (with glycol or salicylic acid) which help s"unglue" the top layer of the skin that holds the fake tan. Wipe vigorously and you'll be back to normal in about a day (as opposed to 3 or 4).

Happy faux tanning.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

To Tan or Not To Tan. Protecting yourself from the sun.

The sun, love it or hate it. It delivers a lovely tan or maybe sunburn, but that tan is more than "skin deep". There are two ways dermatologists break down skin aging, first is "intrinsic" aging which is the idea that the condition of your skin is determined by heredity. Heredity is only part of the story, the other part is called "extrinsic" aging, which refers tot he effects of what you can control: environmental factors, cigarette smoke, and SUN exposure!


 Most people are familiar with the concept of UV rays. Even though they are not visible to the eye, they  can travel easily through glass and can even penetrate some types of clothing. Its no new news that spending time getting that "killer" tan causes wrinkles over time, discoloration, inflames acne and can even cause cancers, but it also produces free radicals in the body. These free radicals act like packman on steroids. Free radicals gobble up DNA, mutate healthy cells, and damage proteins like collagen and elastin that keep pour skin taut and plump.


 Sunburns are actual burns with very real consequences. A first-degree burn will cause inflammation of the skin, leaving it red, tender and swollen, while a second-degree will blister and peel. These cause deep damage to DNA and skin cells! So, as soon as you feel and see your skin is hot and red..cover up!!!! Make sure you wear you sunscreen and reapply liberally! We all want to be hot babes in 20-30 years right??


*Freckles- Freckles are the skins response to UV rays. When you are exposed to the sun, the skins pigment-making cells pump out more pigment (melanin). That's why freckles tend to pop up in places where the sun hits you most, particularly nose, cheeks and shoulders. Freckles can also clump together to form larger, darker "sun spots" that range in size. These spots are sometimes called liver spots, even though they have nothing to do with the liver.

*Dark patches on the face- Caused by heredity and maybe a surge in hormones (by pregnancy or birth control pills), sun exposure and melasma.

*Precancerous growths- Remember when we were young kids and our skin was flawless and perfect..ahhh the good 'ol days. When we are young, the rate of cell renewal and turn over is super fast. As we get older (30's), this renewal process begins to slow down:dead skin does;t slough off as fast, instead the cells sit in the surface of your skin and clump together. After prolonged UV exposure, that clumped together skin/cells can begin to form rough, scaly, precancerous growths (typically found on face, hands and chest.

*Atypical moles- Keep an eye on your moles. If they become irregularly raised, irregularly pigmented with weird borders get checked! Monitor your body and schedule a yearly body scan with a dermatologist!


 Eat more antioxidants. Fruits and veggies! Also vitamin C is a bonus!
Eggs, SOME chocolate, red wine, fish and fish oils, tomatoes, red fruits and veggies, drink green tea, watermelon, guava...it goes on and on.

the sister article to this will be on its way shortly... It's about FAKE TANNER!

Day 6 of 7 clean up.

Getting there folks. I crushed the legs at the gym Thursday and am super sore today (day 2 is always the worst) but it feel amazing! This coming up week I am switching up my routine. Going a little harder and switching up the weights throughout the sets.. Should be fun.. Anyways, here are my update pics.. Enjoy your weekend kids, get out and get some fresh air!!!


                                  SATURDAY (TODAY) CLEAN EATING AND LOTS OF WATER

Friday, July 20, 2012

What A KNOCKOUT! Miss Veta Arteaga

She will charm you with her smile and stilettos, but her punch proves she's a knockout! Miss Veta Arteaga answers some questions about life as a super hot Boise badass! STAY TUNED!



 Not only does it keep the guts protected, it guards us from infection, radiation and dehydration! Skin keeps us warm and makes us look GOOD! Did you know your skin is the largest organ in the body? In an adult it weighs about 11 lbs. and has a surface area of about 22 sq. feet. weird huh? YOur skin tells a lot about what's going on inside, emotions and problems...
 Your skin is sensitive to a number of of factors including your age, genes, hygiene, circulation, digestion, detoxification, immune system and the environment. What you EAT can really show up in your skin! Nutrition is fundamentally involved at every stage of skin development. Starting at the inner layer of the skin, the dermis, collagen (the real kind) is made when vitamin C converts amino acids...So low vitamin C= Low collagen...get after it ladies! The flexibility of collagen and elastin fibers declines in time due to pesky little FREE RADICALS. This is where antioxidants come to the rescue. Damage can be limited by vitamins such as vitamins A, C and E and selenium!

Lets look at Vitamin A
 Vitamin A helps control the rate of keratin accumulation in the skin. A lack of this goodie can result in dry, rough skin. Eating a diet rich in vitamin A and taking a supp. of vitamin A can help maintain healthy skin. If you really want to go the extra mile ladies (and gents) apply vitamin A-rich son cream.

Next is zinc
 Zinc is needed for accurate production of new cells. Lack of zinc leads to stretch marks and poor healing and is associated with acne and eczema.

What you eat today, you wear tomorrow.

Many skin disorders (acne too) can be traced to imbalances in the digestive tract. Try incorporating a probiotic in your diet plan!

What about dry skin Steph?
 Slappin on oils and creams may help hydrate you hide, but that is only "skin deep". Without enough...yes, WATER, each one of the cells in your body becomes dehydrated, losing its plumpness and shrivels... Hello bad skin. You can help keep your skin oiled form the inside out by eating essential fatty acids from fish, nuts and seeds. Another factor contributing to dry skin is poor metabolism of the mineral calcium in the body. Calcium is a drying mineral, (think of chalk), so excess in the skin will dry it out.

Skin's Enemies
 Wrinkles, zits and patches OH MY! Oxidative damage is the culprit, caused by free radicals from pollution, smoke, fried and burnt foods, processed cooking oils, sun, combustion and diet. Just a little FYI.

The Good Guys
 A diet consisting of fresh, untreated foods in crucial for the health of your entire body, not just your skin. It reduces the speed at which the skin ages and degenerates. Foods high in antioxidants include:

*red, orange and yellow veggies
* sweet potatoes
*purple foods like berries, grapes
*green foods like kale, alfalfa sprouts and broccoli
*seed foods such as peas, whole grains, nuts seeds, oils and garlic.
 Another important component of a good skin diet is the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats! The fatty acid content of your cell membranes is super important. Not only do they help keep the membranes smooth and soft, but also they help regulate what goes in and out a lot better.

For awhile I struggled with adult acne. It ruled my life for a long time. All i ever did was complain and pick and feel ugly etc etc etc. So, when I really cleaned up the diet and quit eating red meat, pork and dairy is when i finally got relief! CLEAR SKINNNN.
Also, if you do suffer from acne, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT pick at it, it will spread it under the skin, and create more zits and scars!

I hope this article helped!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 4 of 7...

Day 4 of 7. Not a huge difference from yesterday but my body is feeling good. Shredded legs today and really pushed myself. Feeling pretty wiped out, but goNNA go get some epsom salts and make an evening of it! haaha. Anyways, I'm making Moroccan chicken tonight with butternut squash. I will post the recipe tomorrow. Have great evening everyone!

  In health,

       Steph Coats
DAY 1...

DAY 4...

DAY 1...

                                                                  DAY 4...

The Role of Hormones. Understanding Them and Regulating Them...

There are a gazillion hormones running through our body! I am just touching on a few interesting items in this article...

Some of the most important chemicals in the body are hormones. These are biochemicals produced in the glands. Hormones essentially are instructions to the cells in the body. Insulin, for example, tells the cells to take up glucose from the blood. Thyroxine, from the thyroid gland, speeds up metabolism of cells, generating energy and burning fat ( :)) Estrogen and progesterone, from the ovaries, control a sequence of changes that maintain fertility and menstrual health. Hormones imbalances can really mess you up!


 The adrenal gland sits on top of the kidneys and produces hormones that help us adapt to stress. The hormones adrenaline, cortisol, and DHEA help us respond to emergencies by channeling "fight or flight". During a stress reaction, the blood thickens to help wounds heal. In modern life, all this happens from day to day stuff, like over drafting your account, missing a bill, get stuck in traffic or have an argument with someone... Tea, coffee, chocolate, and cigarettes have a similar effect because they stimulate the release of adrenaline (must be why I love a double espresso before a hard workout). By living off of a diet full of stimulants like the mentioned, or energy drinks, high sugar etc. you increase your risk of upsetting your thyroid balance and/or problems associated with sex hormone imbalances.


 The stress hormones rely on certain nutrients for their production. For adrenaline you need enough of vitamin B5 (niacin), B12, and C. Cortisol, which is a natural anti-inflammatory substance, can't be produced without enough vitamin B5. The more stress you have the more vitamins B and C you need!


 In women, the balance between estrogen and progesterone is critical. An excess of estrogen is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and severe PMS (YIKES!) The early warning signs of estrogen dominance may be depression, low sex drive, sweet cravings, heavy periods, weight gain, breast swelling and water retention. Not all of this "estrogen dominance" is YOUR fault. Estrogenic compounds are found in hormone-fed meat, dairy, pesticides,  and soft plastics. Estrogen is also in a lot of birth control pills and HRT. Stress raises levels of the adrenal hormone cortisol, which competes with progesterone and lowers levels of DHEA, the precursor to progesterone. So what about MEN? While men produce very little estrogen, they are exposed to it in their diet and in the environment. Some pesticides are known to interfere with the body's testosterone, creating deficiencies. In later life, some men have the equivalent of "male menopause" (ladies we aren't alone hahah). The symptoms include fatigue, depression, decreased sexual performance, redistribution and gain of weight, including growth of excessive breast tissue.


Keep animal fates very low in your diet.

Choose organic veggies, fruit and meat whenever possible.

Don't eat fatty foods wrapped in PVC cling film.

Do not let stress become a habit in your life. Identify your sources of stress and make some positive changes.

Make sure you are getting enough essential fats from seeds, oils, or sups.

Make sure you are getting adequate amounts of vitamins B3, and B6, biotin, magnesium and zinc.

I gathered this article from the book The New Optimum Nutrition Bible by Patrick Holford