Friday, July 20, 2012



 Not only does it keep the guts protected, it guards us from infection, radiation and dehydration! Skin keeps us warm and makes us look GOOD! Did you know your skin is the largest organ in the body? In an adult it weighs about 11 lbs. and has a surface area of about 22 sq. feet. weird huh? YOur skin tells a lot about what's going on inside, emotions and problems...
 Your skin is sensitive to a number of of factors including your age, genes, hygiene, circulation, digestion, detoxification, immune system and the environment. What you EAT can really show up in your skin! Nutrition is fundamentally involved at every stage of skin development. Starting at the inner layer of the skin, the dermis, collagen (the real kind) is made when vitamin C converts amino acids...So low vitamin C= Low collagen...get after it ladies! The flexibility of collagen and elastin fibers declines in time due to pesky little FREE RADICALS. This is where antioxidants come to the rescue. Damage can be limited by vitamins such as vitamins A, C and E and selenium!

Lets look at Vitamin A
 Vitamin A helps control the rate of keratin accumulation in the skin. A lack of this goodie can result in dry, rough skin. Eating a diet rich in vitamin A and taking a supp. of vitamin A can help maintain healthy skin. If you really want to go the extra mile ladies (and gents) apply vitamin A-rich son cream.

Next is zinc
 Zinc is needed for accurate production of new cells. Lack of zinc leads to stretch marks and poor healing and is associated with acne and eczema.

What you eat today, you wear tomorrow.

Many skin disorders (acne too) can be traced to imbalances in the digestive tract. Try incorporating a probiotic in your diet plan!

What about dry skin Steph?
 Slappin on oils and creams may help hydrate you hide, but that is only "skin deep". Without enough...yes, WATER, each one of the cells in your body becomes dehydrated, losing its plumpness and shrivels... Hello bad skin. You can help keep your skin oiled form the inside out by eating essential fatty acids from fish, nuts and seeds. Another factor contributing to dry skin is poor metabolism of the mineral calcium in the body. Calcium is a drying mineral, (think of chalk), so excess in the skin will dry it out.

Skin's Enemies
 Wrinkles, zits and patches OH MY! Oxidative damage is the culprit, caused by free radicals from pollution, smoke, fried and burnt foods, processed cooking oils, sun, combustion and diet. Just a little FYI.

The Good Guys
 A diet consisting of fresh, untreated foods in crucial for the health of your entire body, not just your skin. It reduces the speed at which the skin ages and degenerates. Foods high in antioxidants include:

*red, orange and yellow veggies
* sweet potatoes
*purple foods like berries, grapes
*green foods like kale, alfalfa sprouts and broccoli
*seed foods such as peas, whole grains, nuts seeds, oils and garlic.
 Another important component of a good skin diet is the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats! The fatty acid content of your cell membranes is super important. Not only do they help keep the membranes smooth and soft, but also they help regulate what goes in and out a lot better.

For awhile I struggled with adult acne. It ruled my life for a long time. All i ever did was complain and pick and feel ugly etc etc etc. So, when I really cleaned up the diet and quit eating red meat, pork and dairy is when i finally got relief! CLEAR SKINNNN.
Also, if you do suffer from acne, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT pick at it, it will spread it under the skin, and create more zits and scars!

I hope this article helped!